Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another interview with Kate

Saw this on facebook, thought it might be fun to ask Kate some questions about me!

1. What is something I always say to you?
um.... I love you

2. What makes me happy?

3. What makes me sad?
i broke your glasses

4. How do I make you laugh?

5. What do you think I was like as a child?
you were pretty

6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?
spread her hands about 2ft apart!

8. What is my favorite thing to do?

9. What do I do when you're not around
go to work

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?
cooking/making secret breakfast

11. What am I really good at?
braiding my hair

12. What am I not really good at?
chewing gum

13. What is my job?
to save babies!

14. What is my favorite food?
chinese food

15. What makes me proud of you?
when i feed Bo

16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be?
Snow White

17. What do you and I do together?
hang out

18. How are we the same?
we both like kitty cats and sparkles

19. How are you and I different?
your hair is blonde, my hair is brown

20. How do you know that I love you?
because you love me bigger than the moon!

21. Where is my favorite place to go?
Panda Bear Express

Wow - that was much better than i thought she would do except not a huge fan of Chinese food or Panda Bear Express! Still really cute!


Bootsy said...

I asked Lillie some of the same questions. Didn't work so well. Every answer was "going to the lake with Kate."

winner said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

Anonymous said...

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keeley mills said...
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Anonymous said...

Fantastic work full of creativity. Congratulations. Continue your path!
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