Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brooke turns 11!

What an amazing girl my Brookie is. She is so smart & beautiful and honestly the strongest kid I have ever met. Her perserverance and determination are inspiring to say the least. She is growing into a young lady despite my pleas to stop growing and stay little. When she was much younger, every time she would leave me I would remind her "no more getting bigger!" Apparently she didn't listen. She turned 11 years old a couple of weeks ago AND started middle school! Just not possible! She is attending an amazing school - we were so blessed to get her into this school. The principal is, in my frequent description of her, a lifetime movie waiting to happen. She puts up with nothing. You have no idea what zero tolerance means until you have met Mrs. Baker. I love her, love her, love her. So many of my fears of Brooke entering middle school have been erased thanks to Mrs. B. They have a very strict uniform policy but my Brookie still managed to rock it out! Mrs. Baker didn't want parents walking the kids into school on the first day. In her words, cut the strings or I will cut them for you. Of course I still made brooke pose for me at home - look at my young lady on her first day of Middle school!

She is loving it!

Just a few daysafter school started, brooke turned 11. Since so many of her neighborhood friends are going to different middle school, we decided to have one giant sleepover. We invited (10) eleven year old girls. We hand delivered the invites - super cute, hot pink invites with zebra ribbon. The entire party was hot pink & zebra themed. Check out her gorgeous cake!

As you all know, I have been a bad blogger and a much better facebook user. I reconnected with a girl I used to work at years ago at the Daily Oklahoman. She is a wonderful SAHM and a fabulously talented baker - she made the cake and i could not have been more pleased. If you live in OKC and want her name, i would be happy to share!
The girls had a great time - we played games, watched movies and even went "midnight chalking", with parent permission of course. I think they all had a blast - i know Brooke did and she deserved it! I am so Blessed to be her momma!

Oops i almost forgot - brooke made the birthday board too, not bad after have only been in school 4 days!


keeley mills said...
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Anonymous said...

The cake is amaizing! I wish i had a cake like that when i was 11. It looks like Brooke and her friends enjoyed themselves.