Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Happy Birthday Kate!

So here I am playing catch up again but at least I am blogging! I can't believe we just celebrated Kate's 4th birthday! It really seems like just the other day, i was rocking my newborn baby, cradled in her boppy, already wrapped around our finger! I am amazed at how fast the time has gone by. I try so hard to cherish every single moment. It has been a little more difficult since I have gone back to work. I absolutely love my job and I know Kate is in school but there is so much I miss. I miss our 2:00 Word World Date. I miss our arts & crafts time. I miss her makeshift cubby with notes for daddy. I miss lessons with skittles and songs around the singing blanket. Mid-day trips to the zoo and walking to the park on a whim. I guess instead of dwelling on what I miss, I guess I should count my blessings that i got to spend a wonderful year with my baby before she started school. For that, i will always be grateful.
So for Kate's 4th birthday, this working mom decided to have a destination b-day rather than trying to do everything myself. It was fantastic!! We had it Mat Trotters Gymnastics - everyone had a great time! Of course it started with me picking Kate up from school early - look who made the birthday board!

After I picked her up from school, we went to lunch at Panda Bear Express - Kate's fave and made a trip to see her "angels" and drop off some pics for them. Her angels are at the agency who facilitated her adoption. We try and make an annual trip to see them and share her birth story. They were thrilled to see how smart and beautiful she is - hard to argue with that!

Her party was attended by both sets up grandparents. Aunt Bootsy and Lillie, Aunt Mimi and Adam, Uncle Rob & Aunt Leah plus Ben & Harrison. Our new friend Betsy was there along with an "old school friend of kate's" Zane. You might know him better as her first boyfriend and actually, i guess also her first kiss which happened right in front of me AND his parents. So cute!

The party was a huge success. Brooke's party is now complete too so I get a year off before I have to start this back to back birthday craziness again! Here are some more party pics from the big day!

1 comment:

Flossy~Kirk said...

I love your blogs. You are so blessed to have the family that you have, but they are also blessed to have you. Keep blogging, even if it's "late". Capture those memories every chance you get!!!!