Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Kate and I actually made it through her first short week of school! The first day went great! We walked to the school as a family. I love our little neighborhood, the houses aren't grand, but it is safe and quiet and it really has a great sense of community! The fact that we are around the corner from one of the best elementary schools in the state is such a blessing! Here is Kate walking to school:

Since Brooke has been going to school there the last couple of year, we have a couple of obligatory photo opps!

We were so excited to see Maci from dance class! Look at these cuties!

Her main teacher this year is Mrs. Wilcox, she seems like a sweetheart - she was certainly comforting for both Kate and momma, the first day!

Because she did so well, I took her and Sissy to McD's to celebrate - quite the rare treat! Pre-K must have really worked up her appetite because she ate a McNugget Happy Meal and then an extra hamburger - I have never EVER seen her eat like that!

Day two was a little harder. We got there early and had to wait to get in. I guess it made all the little ones antsy because there was a lot of fit throwing! Kate kept saying, "i'll make you a deal, take me home with you and you teach me a lesson!" Sorry kiddo, no deal. Next thing we knew, this sweet little red-headed boy threw himself onto the floor screaming "NO NO NO!" Kate and I looked at each other like well, things could be worse! She went into her class and I went to work saying a quick little prayer for my new red-headed hero!

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