Monday, July 05, 2010

Happy Day!

So many things have changed over the last couple of years. It has been a real roller coaster ride. Some up and some down. When things are down, i find it hard to blog. Ironic because writing for me has always been so cathartic but the idea of someone reading about my struggles does not excite me. I am going through a period where i feel very unsettled. Maybe it's an age thing. I am approaching the big 4-0 you know. It has been an adjustment being back in the corporate world. I do however firmly believe that I am exactly where I am supposed to be professionally speaking. My work has purpose and that makes me very happy, I just have to find the balance once again. I think Jay and I need to implement date night again - I need to find a babysitting circle. I have talked about it many times but never followed through. So if you live in the area - let me know if you are interested! Jay, the girls and I did take this long holiday weekend to spend some serious quality family time together. It was much needed and very much enjoyed! We attended the Bethany Freedom Festival and had the best time! I am known for saying that everyone thinks they have the smartest, most beautiful children, one of us has to be right. I actually think it might be me! Check out these pics!

My drama girls!

Kate got to ride a pony - one of her favorite things to do!

We all enjoyed a little "food on a stick!"

Jay is slowly recovering from ACL surgery. I think it is taking longer than he thought. He definitely lets it get him down but he was feeling well enough Saturday to give Kate a ride - she loves it on daddy's shoulders!

Kate got to ride carnival rides for the first time. She barely made the 36in height requirement which means she really hasn't grown this year, my poor little petite princess! She had a blast on the rides including a dragon rollercoaster and some spinning "kikis" aka elephants!

One of my favorite childhood memories is going to the state fair with my parents. We were always money conscious but the state fair was different. There was always plenty for games, rides and of course fair food! One year my dad spent probably hundreds of dollars winning giant stuffed animals for my mom. I just remember thinking how sweet that wasand how i wanted to find someone who would do the same for me after decades of marriage. Saturday night Jay helped our girls both win a stuffed animal of their choice - Pandy the Panda and Finn the Dolphin!

Kate looked so cute Saturday night - she is insisting now that i pull her hair up into "kitty cat ears." She is all about dressing up, showing off and looking pretty. Jay thinks we need to check into modeling jobs for her. I am not completely convinced he is wrong. Someone told me recently that we could "make a lot of money off of her!" I was completely offended, now I am intrigued. Maybe it's the Toddlers and Tiaras marathon I watched last week! Ha - my child doesn't need glitz though - she has natural beauty! See for yourself!

The bottom line is we all had a great time and it was the happiest this family has been in a long time!

We have a few complications happening this week that I would rather not get into but if you have a moment this week, please remember us in your prayers. We would be very grateful.


Linda said...

Go for modeling, but NOT Toddlers & Tiaras! I hate how parents treat their children on that show!

You have two beautiful daughters!

Jennifer Lacy said...

oh yeah, definitely not toddlers and tiaras! That show makes me sad!

Anonymous said...

Well, you just confirmed what I have thought all along. Kinley is going to be tall. We just went to Branson where we took the girls to Silver Dollar City. Kinley was right at (maybe a 1/2" under) the 42" height to ride the rides by herself. Hopefully, she is not too tall!
