Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The beautiful Princess Kate....

The title to this blog is the way Kate prefers to be introduced before walking into a room. NO, i am not kidding. She is so silly! She loves to dress up and put on fashion shows. She will put on her clothes, sissy's clothes, my clothes all in the name of fashion. Of course she also has to have fancy shoes! She recently bought a pair of shoes at a garage sale with nanna. They were pink sandale with high heels that light up and change colors - she LOVES them!

I actually let her wear them to school but we got in trouble even though i sent regular shoes. Guess Episcopal's aren't big on stripper heels. Good to know. My mom shared with me a story about another garage sale that they went to that I want to share with you. Kate only had a quarter to spend - she picked out something for herself and a little ceramic bear for her sister. She didn't have enough money. She actually put up her toy without being asked and purchased the gift for her big sister. How amazing is that for a three year old - putting someone else before her own wants - i thought it was impressive but then again, Kate never ceases to amaze me!
I was wanting to share some of the other things Kate has been doing lately but am drawing a bit of a blank. She is still calling elephants KiKis but she knows they have another name, she just prefers KiKis which is kinda funny considering I am known to do the same thing to people! When she does something on accident she calls it an "accididn't" i think because she didn't mean to do it! She says her prayers every night without fail. We sometimes refer to it as her thank you's and take care of's. She starts out asking Jesus to take care of her and watch over her and mommy, daddy and sissy and bo. She says what she is thankful for which definitely varies from night to night and then ends up with a list of things she is asking for. Sometimes it sounds like a Christmas list. It always includes asking Jesus for a baby sister and normally at least one toy and a cat! She has the sweetest song she sings before we eat - it's kind of a singing prayer. She can write her name pretty well although normally not in a row more like a k here and an a t e here and there! She has also started writing spelling words when sissy does spelling words. She's not bad. At her school, they are working on Spanish. Kate loves it and does very well. She can count to 10 easily and knows several words! It cracks me up when she switches Spanish to English because I do that too! Yesterday she was looking for a snack and found a half empty bag of chocolate chips - you would have thought she discovered gold! She said, "MOMMA! I think these are the things that are in cookies!" haha how could I deny her that joy of chocolate chips right out of the bag! At the moment I just heard her tell daddy that momma said she could sleep with chocolate chips tonight. Ummmm, no. I did not! Haha she is big on telling daddy that mom said it was ok!
Have i mentioned her "nuggling" this means she sits in your lap and rubs her cheek on your cheek. I love it love it love it! When she doesn't want to go to bed which is pretty much every night she will come into the living room,climb up on my lap and say, "mommy, i want to nuggle you." Sometimes she says she wants to love on me, it's all the same thing......Irresistable!!! I don't think i will ever say no to a good Kate nuggle! I know it's no shock but I love that baby girl so much, Jay and i went through hell and back during our parental pursuit, through loss and disappointment, i didn't understand but holding on to my precious Kate, i know it is because He had a plan all along. Faith, it's a beautiful thing!

Tonight she came home from school speaking German. At least she tells me it's German, counting to ten to be specific. Since I have no idea how to count to 10 in German, I have to take her word for it! She also drew a picture of me wearing a purple dress (March of Dimes colors) and pink shoes. She also drew pink make-up for me which is interesting because i just switched from brown eye shadows to pink tones. Yes, she is beautful, creative and most likely a genius! This picture is going up in my office tomorrow so be prepared if you come visit me, you will definitely hear this story again!

Just for the record, Brooke is doing great - she is such a social girl I never see her! From vacations with family to sleepovers and summer camps, that child is always gone! I miss her terribly. Can't wait till school starts so she will have to spend time with me!

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