Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nobody to blame but myself....

Don't you just love it when someone kindly reminds you, "Well, you've got nobody to blame but yourself"? Most of the time they are right - although my mom once blamed Kate's neediness on the fact that we took a small miniature "babymoon" after Kate was born so nobody held her or fed her but us for the first 48 hours after she was born! I think it was less that and more the fact of - she just reeeaaalllllly loves her mommy! and.....I think I know why.
Two things most people know about me.

1. I love my family more than anything in this world


2. I am a TAD high maintenance.

So is it any surprise that I am acquainting my children with some of the things I enjoy the most? Candles, bubble baths, the occassional glass of champagne (for me not the kids), dim lights, good music and heated towels - ideally all at once. So for Valentine's Day Jay and I bought each of the girls a new Webkinz and outfit plus some chocolate but their extra special treat was what I call a "relaxing bath." Now in the past, a relaxing bath just meant they didn't have to wash their hair. But for Valentine's Day - I did it up right! The girls got to put on a swimsuit, I put on some good music, lit some candles, made them kid cocktails - applejuice with a cherry, and lots of bubbles. I even brought them a little snack! What's Valentine's Day without a little pampering, right? Right!
However........At the moment, the girls are outside playing. As Kate ran out the door she yelled, "when I get in, I need a relaxy bath, please." She proceeded to list everything she wanted - candles, bubbles, hot chocolate, "muksic" and a "pupcake!" So go ahead and say it, shout it from the rooftops if you want - I have nobody to blame but myself. I already know.

Don't forget to check out my 40x40 blog, is it really possible that I am that close to the big 4-0?? . No time to worry about that now, i have towels to heat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing