Saturday, May 22, 2010

40x40 and beyond

So after much internal debate I think i am discontinuing my 40x40 blog...well, sort of. I am going to combine my two blogs. I will continue in pursuits of my 40 accomplishments and will just blog about it here. I think that is a fair compromise.

Things have more hectic than usual. As you know, I re-entered the workforce almost 2 months ago. I had 2 weeks to prepare for our first event, luckily, I had already been volunteering on that committee and we have an amazing team! The night did not go flawlessly but it was quite fabulous! We honored the top athletes in Oklahoma with our headliner being Kevin Durant!

On of the things I really like about my new job is that they really encourage you to get your family and friends volunteering! For our sports headliner, not only was I surrounded by good friends but Jay and Brooke were both there! Brooke's job was to help us auction off a sweet puppy named Carmella. Brooke did amazing, my girl is not shy! Kevin Durant was surrounded by an entourage of agents, body guards, press, etc and my 10 yr old pushes right through them up to KD and asks if he would like to meet Carmella! He was very sweet and stopped to speak to brooke and pet the dog. That's my girl!!
Jay and I didn't get to spend much time together because I was in charge of A/V and keeping the show running while he was working the wine pull but we did get to stop and pose for this sweet pic.

Once that event was over we moved on to March for Babies. My sister and i started our very first team this year and while we had some disappointments in participation from others, we still came very close to meeting our team goal and we blew our personal goals out of the water! Sarah was even given two awards top walker and new top team captain! I was so proud of her!! March for Babies was an abolutely amazing event! It was the hilight of my professional career! There were so many challenges thrown at us up until the last minute but it was inspiring! I literally broke down into tears of joy upon completion. I will hopefully have professional pics soon and I will definitely be sharing more about this awesome event!

Other than working, the girls and I are still trying to find some time to sneak in some fun! Jay had some bad luck and tore his ACL in a recent soccer game so the girls and I left him at home and snuck out to the zoo last Sunday with Bootsy and Lillie. It was a great day and so much fun! Here are some hilight pics!

They always say the first blog back is the hardest, let's hope they are right! Once again, I will try and do better!

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